We had always thought that it would be good to keep bees here, as we know world bee populations are at risk and that they are so important for pollination.

After a little more research, we found an incredibly knowledgeable local craftsman who makes treehives. One of the many problems facing honey bees today is the loss of their natural habitat. One of their often favoured places is in the naturally formed cavity of a mature tree, several metres up from the ground. These cavities are formed from where the limb of the tree has fallen away from the main trunk or even the damage caused by a busy woodpecker.

Whilst providing a much improved habitat to that of a common beehive, it also allows the bees to live a relatively undisturbed existence and enables them to follow their natural instincts.  The honey the bees produce stays in the hive to help them survive the winter.

Our tree hive is in the dog walking field along the right hand hedge in an oak tree. We think it is very beautiful and love seeing the bees flying in and out in Spring and Summer. In the Winter there is little activity as they hibernate. We love our hive so much that we will have a second one installed in 2024 - watch this space!

9. The Tree Hive

We love bees!