11. Chickens


We have seven chickens who should be in the small paddock next to the Barn garden….

but who frequently escape into our garden where they intimidate the dogs, dig up our plants, and lay their eggs in random places so we have to search for them like a treasure hunt!

For those of you who like names, they are:

Tikka - small white silky bantam, the oldest of the flock who we inherited when we moved here.

June - big brown Rhode Island Red, doesn’t lay any eggs.

Bluebell & Iris - grey plumage (feathers) lay big pale eggs

Rosie - white with a red comb (on her head), lays brown eggs

Violet - black with a red comb and fluffy feet, very friendly, lays dark brown eggs

Fancy Nancy - grey and gold with a red comb, lays pale blue eggs when she feels like it.

We don’t have a cockerel as they are very noisy and can be aggressive, so the hens eggs will never hatch into chicks. If you need any eggs then please ask as we sometimes have some spare!