1. Car Park Bank

Just Weeds?

The bank around the car park was created from the waste dug out from the cottage courtyard when we began our renovations.

When we finished in 2020 this was just bare earth with a few rescued shrubs plonked in the top by the builders so everything here is from seeds spread by nature.

What plants can you see?

The plants here change with the season and it may often look like it’s ‘just weeds’ but these play a very important part in the biodiversity of our farm. See if you can spot stinging nettles, dock leaves, grasses, red sorrel, gorse, red campion.

How do seeds spread?

  • The wind blows them from other plants

  • Birds drop them 

  • Insects spread them when they stick to their legs

Can you see any insects?

See if you can spot butterflies, beetles and ladybirds